How to Leave a Job on Good Terms

Congratulations on the new job! Now, how do you leave your current one? Over the past 20 years, I have watched hundreds of professionals resign from their jobs. There are definitely some Do’s and Don’ts that reflect on your long-term reputation. When it is time for you to move on, consider these: Do’s 1)  Leave on a … Continued

Five Tips for a Successful Transition

Whether you have years of experience under your belt or are brand new to law firms, transitioning into a new work environment can be challenging. Every law firm has its own unique culture. Here are some tips to help ensure a smooth transition: 1) Measure the formality of your environment. Take the first 30 days to really … Continued

Success Factors

Having placed hundreds of marketing, recruiting, professional development and other administrative candidates into firms for the past 20 years, I am fascinated by why some professionals do just ok, while others rise to the top of their field fast and get paid significantly more. I have asked a number of CMOs and Directors what they … Continued

When is it time to look for a new job?

Every week we get contacted by candidates who want to explore new opportunities. Some are definitely ready to make the move and some are having a bad day at work. We are committed to helping the ones that are ready to make the move, find the right next job.  What can you do to determine whether … Continued

The Strongest Interview Follow Ups

Have you ever left an interview and thought, “I could have done a better job; I wish I had said X or spoken about the event I worked on that evidenced my strong project management skills.”  We hear this kind of reaction fairly often from candidates. The good news is you still have an opportunity to … Continued

Give Praise!

What have you done to make others look good this year? I am talking about sincere respect and gratitude, not superfluous flattery.  Here are some ways to express praise and let others know how meaningful their hard work, client service and expertise is to you. 1 – Write a LinkedIn recommendation for someone you have worked … Continued

Do Something!!

Have you ever struggled with how to handle a difficult situation and done nothing? I know I have and it always haunts me afterwards. At Wisnik, we frequently see both candidates and firms “do nothing” in the midst of the hiring process. As an example, last month a candidate stopped responding to calls and emails … Continued

Biggest mistakes made in interviews

Each week we send at least 5 candidates out on interviews to law firms for a variety of positions including: BD manager, Legal Personnel Coordinator, Recruitment Assistant, Knowledge Manager, etc. Regardless of the level or specific role, we see candidates make mistakes on their interviews that cost them the offer. I want to share with you the most common mistakes interviewees make.