What Turns Top Talent Off

The job market has been hot! Law firms are actively hiring and our biggest challenge is finding top talent, especially in Public Relations and Business Development. Even though the demand for talent is high, some Firms are conducting interviews in a way that is “turning off” top candidates. I bet you can still recall the … Continued

Real Simple Article & BD/Marketing Survey

It’s that time of year – the days are getting shorter as the weather gets cooler!  All of this makes it hard to get going some mornings.  So here is a link to an article I was recently quoted in, by Real Simple, which offers 5 Tricks for an Efficient Morning. On another note, over … Continued

Goodbye to an Amazing Summer!

It was truly an amazing summer between my son Jake’s Bar Mitzvah in Poland, 7 placements, 10 Interview Training programs and the magnificent weather; I am deeply grateful! Our goal in having our youngest son Jake’s Bar Mitzvah in Poland was to have a meaningful rite of passage. The ceremony took place in Zamosc, the … Continued

Step Out of Your Comfort Zone

Since January, I have been challenging myself to “Step way out of my comfort zone!” Every morning on my way to work, I write in my iPhone’s memo section; I have been doing this for years to “focus” myself for the day ahead.  But beginning this year, I started writing: “Today I am going to … Continued

Marketing Boot Camp – 4 Takeaways

We recently ran two Boot Camps for junior marketing/BD professionals from law firms. I would like to highlight 4 key things participants found most valuable and said they would use when they returned to their firms: Attendees said they would invest the time to understand how to work best with lawyers and team members who … Continued

Putting “Never Enough” Into Perspective

Perspective changes how we see everything in our lives. This is one of those generalizations we all know to be true, but I don’t think we really process how this affects the way we view our jobs and lives. I’ve recently had two very different experiences that I wanted to share with you, and both … Continued

3 Interview Questions You’ll Always Be Asked

We have a lot of people interviewing at all levels and for a wide variety of positions — so I spend a lot of time coaching candidates before each round of interviews. There are 3 questions each candidate must be prepared to answer, often-times for multiple interviewers over multiple rounds. I want to take this … Continued

18th Anniversary!

This month marks 18 years since I launched Wisnik Career Enterprises (WCE). It has been an amazing journey filled with tons of opportunities, challenges and rewards. Many people have asked me over the years, “What inspired you to start your own business?” My first response is “temporary insanity!”  What was I thinking, to quit my … Continued

What to Think About When Transitioning to a New Industry

Whether you are thinking of transitioning into a new area (for example from recruiting to marketing) or planning a move from another industry into a legal administrative position, there are a number of strategies that can help you to make a successful transition.  A key thing to keep in mind is that every industry, as well … Continued