What You Need to do to Hang on to Your Best Employees

We are experiencing a massive talent shortage in law firm recruiting and marketing, especially at the junior and mid-levels.  The reason this is happening is two-fold: Firms are actively hiring for the first time in years. For example, we have received 50 jobs during the past 3 months. Also, based on our most recent survey, … Continued

Top Roles: What You Want vs What You Need

We have been working on an exclusive search for the head of Marketing/BD for an L.A. boutique and it has been a fascinating process. Why? Because often what a Firm thinks they want and what they need are not necessarily the same! Whenever we begin a Director/CMO search, we interview the Executive Director who is … Continued

Recent Grads – Dos & Don’ts

This month marks 30 years since I graduated from college. When I think back to my first job, there were so many things that I did not know about how to be a valuable employee. We recently interviewed a number of new grads—some stand out as “ready for the work world” and some do not. … Continued

What Does “Professional Presence” Mean – And Do You Have It?

We often see “professional presentation” mentioned as a requirement on job descriptions, especially for junior level candidates. For more senior positions, “inspires confidence” and “has professional presence” is often included. I have pondered what is meant by “professional presentation,” and here are some of the things mentioned when I asked clients for specifics: Able to … Continued

Where You Go Is Not Who You’ll Be

I found Frank Bruni’s very well researched book, Where You Go Is Not Who You’ll Be, very compelling.  In it, he discusses why going to an elite school does not guarantee success and much of what Bruni says is what I have seen in my 25+ years as a recruiter for top law firms. I … Continued

Women – Please Don’t Drop Out of Your Career!

I met with a candidate last week who was referred to me by a law firm professional I have known for more than 20 years.  This candidate was looking to re-enter the workforce after being home for 15+ years.  She had a successful career as a Law Firm Administrator and left the industry at a … Continued

Developing Your Career Advisors

We recently presented a career development program for NY LMA’s Future Leader’s SIG. 20+ professionals showed up on a very cold evening to learn how to set and achieve career goals. Many of the attendees have been in legal marketing for less than 3 years. They all brought enthusiasm and an interest in learning more … Continued

Lateral Partner Hiring: The Right Fit

A January 2015 American Lawyer headline read: “2014 was a record year for hiring lateral partners.”  Acquiring partners, who can potentially expand a firm’s business, is a growth strategy in a marketplace with limited new revenues. The experts in lateral partner placement say that the prime motivation for laterals to leave their current firm is … Continued

Happy New Year!

I am very grateful for our incredible success in 2014 and I am excited for what 2015 will bring! None of this would be possible without your trust, support and consideration when you have a job opening, training need, or when you meet a great candidate and send them our way. I am deeply appreciative … Continued

Current Market Trends for Marketing & BD

2014 has been a great year, and for this Wisnik Weekly blog we wanted to share with you our findings from our most recent Law Firm Marketing/BD Survey. This year we received survey responses from 262 legal Marketing and BD professionals from across three markets: New York, DC, and Chicago.  Here are the top trends we observed: … Continued