Professional Presence in Law Firms: What Does it Look Like?

The topic of professional presence often comes up when we are discussing an open position with a hiring manager. Over the past 20 years, we have interviewed thousands of candidates in searching for the right talent for our clients. Finding great talent is one of the most rewarding parts of my job, but unfortunately, each … Continued

Here’s to 20 Years!

This March marks 20 years since I launched Wisnik Career Enterprises, Inc! I am often asked why I started my own business. My first answer is always “temporary insanity!” I had no business quitting a respected position as the Director of Recruitment & Training at Cadwalader to start WCE. At the time, my husband had … Continued

Increasing Your Self-Awareness

I have given the Myers Briggs Type Indicator to over 7,000 law firm professionals since 1991 and have found it to be an extremely valuable assessment tool. Recently, the ABA Journal had a cover story on the Myers-Briggs and lawyers that I was quoted in.  Did you know that most attorneys are introverts?  This is … Continued

Happy New Year!

I am very grateful for our incredible success in 2015! This coming year, 2016, marks our 20th Anniversary.  I have no idea where the years have gone, but one thing I know for sure is that none of this would be possible without your trust, support and consideration when you have a job opening, training … Continued

Looking Back, Looking Forward…

2015 was a very good year for law firm Marketing/BD, Recruitment and Professional Development jobs.  We saw a record number of positions in BD, resulting in a talent shortage, especially at the manager level.  Within Marketing, we saw an increase in Senior Communications roles and a decrease in the number of PR searches. The biggest … Continued

Highlights from Heads of Recruiting/PD Snapshot Survey

We are excited to share the results of our most recent Recruiting & PD Industry Snapshot Survey with you! These results are based on our October 2015 survey sent to Heads of Recruiting & PD at top law firms, 90% of which were AmLaw 100. We were especially interested in capturing the current state of … Continued

The Importance of Business Intelligence

Last week, I attended a half day LMA program in DC on The Client Experience.  It was an excellent program, and the section on having competitive intelligence talent to support your BD team really resonated.  To be honest, I am surprised at how few law marketing/BD departments have Research Analysts and/or Competitive Intelligence professionals. Gina … Continued

Finding Your People

This past summer, my 15-year-old daughter, Arcadia, spent two weeks at the Eileen Fisher Leadership Institute. This is a program sponsored by Eileen Fisher (the clothing designer) for young women, ages 15-18. It offers all sorts of programming and speakers to help high school girls develop vision for their lives and the courage to accomplish … Continued

The Importance of Cultural Fit

Over the past 20+ years we have placed close to 800 professionals, and we have seen firsthand how imperative it is that the professional’s values and the firm’s values are aligned. Recently, I have had long conversations with two senior level professionals whom I consider “superstars” in their fields. They both left their firms after many … Continued

Marketing/BD Survey Reveals Significant Hiring

Earlier this summer we sent an Industry “Snapshot” Survey to Heads of Marketing/BD at top law firms. We were especially interested in capturing the current structure of departments (i.e. BD vs. Mar/Comm), size of department vs. firm size, and where firms are investing in additional talent. We’ve recently finished the analysis and it provided several … Continued