The Rise of Business Intelligence in Law Firms

I recently attended the LMA Northeast Conference in Philadelphia, and the session on the Evolution of Law Firm Competitive Intelligence really resonated with me!  Not only were the speakers outstanding, but the content reinforced a trend we are seeing where law firms are suddenly very interested in adding Business Intelligence talent to their teams. Although … Continued

Are you ready for your performance review?

Many of you are getting ready for your annual review. I highly recommend taking some time now to identify all that you have contributed this past year and either preparing a pre-review memo or having key points outlined so you can discuss them during your review. The reason this is so valuable is because it will … Continued

The New Salary Law

Everyone is talking about NYC’s new salary law! Starting on October 31, prospective employers and recruiters in NYC will no longer be able to ask you about your salary history.  The law is an attempt to bridge the pay gap between men and women who perform the same jobs by preventing pay disparities from accumulating … Continued

6 Lessons from an Advanced Business Mastery Program

I just spent a week in Amsterdam at a Tony Robbins’ advanced Business Mastery program with 1,400 business professionals from 30 countries. I wanted to share my top lessons with you and hope that they are of value. To build successful business relationships and loyal clients, you need to add massive value, and do more … Continued

Asking the Right Questions

This June and July, I will be traveling the country to conduct interview trainings at law firms before the on-campus recruiting season begins.  I have done this for more than 66 law firms over the last 21 years. I truly believe it’s one of the most valuable trainings we offer law firms. The reason I … Continued

Transitioning Into a New Job

We have made a lot of placements since January and have many candidates transitioning into new jobs. As I speak to these candidates over celebratory lunches, I hear about how challenging their transitions are, no matter how senior they are. I hear comments such as, “I feel like I am starting all over again” and … Continued

Talent & Immigration

My heart is breaking for the immigrants and refugees who have the values and work ethic this country is built from but will no longer have the chance to live here. Some of you may know that I came here at age 5 from communist Poland. My family entered the U.S. under political refugee status. … Continued

Keys to Success in a New Role

I have spent the first few weeks of the year meeting with many clients who hired our candidates in 2016  to thank them for their trust in us and to learn how we can serve them better.  As I sit and listen and learn, there have been a few themes that have really struck me … Continued