How to Decide if a Job is Right for You

The job market for candidates is hot! You are likely being contacted by multiple recruiters and even directly by firms for available opportunities. A “candidate’s market” is great, but may also feel overwhelming. How do you decide which job is right for you? Having gone through this decision making process with nine different candidates who … Continued

Some Insights into Why People Behave the Way They Do

Earlier this month, I spent three days in Laguna Beach at a seminar with relationship guru Alison Armstrong. Alison is known for her work in romantic relationships, but much of what she teaches applies to professional relationships as well. Alison has this way of making the complex simple, and saying things that make so much … Continued

Success Advice for Recent Grads!

The market is very good for new grads right now! For the first time in years, we have a few entry-level full-time roles. Since the recession, most of the entry-level openings in marketing and recruiting were temp positions. I am happy to report that we are now seeing law firm recruiting and marketing positions that are … Continued

Hang On Tight to Your Best Employees!

We are experiencing a massive talent shortage in law firm recruiting and marketing, especially at the junior and mid-levels. Since January we have received more than 50 new roles, and finding the right talent is truly challenging! Why is this is happening? Although firms are actively hiring and creating new positions now, many did not hire … Continued

Key Learnings from Tony Robbins

One night when I couldn’t fall asleep, instead of counting sheep I counted all the hours I spent in Tony Robbins programs last year. I was shocked to find it was 260! I traveled to Amsterdam, New Zealand, Hawaii and Florida and devoted a total of six weeks of my life to learning from Tony. … Continued

March Gratitude

March symbolizes great beginnings for me. In March of 1969, I arrived in the US with my parents and younger brother.  We were amongst the last Jews to leave Poland when approximately 13,000 Jews were strongly encouraged by the ruling Communist Party to give up their citizenship and exit the country.  Twenty-two years ago this month, … Continued

Hacks for Better Time & Project Management

How is it possible that two months of 2018 have already gone by?  If you have not yet had a chance to work on those important projects you identified in early January, these tips from our Time & Project Management training program are for you! 1. Start your day with an action plan: Before you leave … Continued

NALP Summit Highlights

Last week I attended NALP’s Program in New York, which featured speakers who gave us an overview of the Big Law legal market and hiring trends. Gretta Rusanow provided a summary of the Citi Hildebrandt Client Advisory Report, which is based on Am Law 100 Firm leaders’ feedback. The report revealed the following findings: Marketplace … Continued

Review Your 2017 and Make Strategic Decisions

It’s the second week of the new year! Whether you set goals for 2017 or not, I highly recommend taking a few minutes to review the year that just passed to gain insights and focus for 2018. Most candidates I meet with say they want to play a strategic role at their firms. How about … Continued

Year-End Trend Analysis

2017 was a very good year business-wise for us and I am very grateful!  Looking back at the 153 jobs we worked on this year, there are definitely some trends that appear. BD Manager Roles and Mar/Comm Roles on the Rise We continued to see more new BD roles than any other type of jobs … Continued