Episode 2 of Big Lies Shattered, Featuring McKinsey Recruiter Sydney Streets, Is Now Available!

This week’s episode of Big Lies Shattered features Sydney Streets, Manager of Recruiting at McKinsey.  Many students, as well as experienced candidates, worry about how they can stand out in the interview process. Sydney shares actionable advice that includes being your authentic self during the interview process. There’s a big lie that to get hired for competitive roles, … Continued

Our Podcast Is Launching!

Today we are launching our podcast, Big Lies Shattered! The podcast is aimed at young professionals, college students, and those navigating their first jobs out of school. I created this podcast because I wanted to equip 19-26-year-olds with the tools they need to take charge of their careers and succeed, even in uncertain times. Through this podcast I … Continued

How to Help Our Exhausted Employees

Since August began, I’ve been presenting webinars to prepare law firm professionals for returning to the office. What I’ve noticed is how exhausted everyone feels. I believe this is from a combination of working extremely hard and the uncertainty that has been a constant since the pandemic started. In our new program How to Make Time … Continued

Specific Ideas for Fostering Long-Term Mentoring Relationships 

This week marks the end of most 2021 summer associate programs across the country. Earlier this summer, I had the pleasure of presenting to a dozen law firms’ law students, teaching them how to thrive and get the most out of their experiences.    During our trainings, I heard many express their desire to forge strong relationships … Continued

Are Your Team Members Prepared for In-Person Collaboration?

I’m a bit worried about our return to in-person work. My concern goes beyond whether or not we should wear masks indoors or stagger days in the office to enhance in-person distancing.  No, my concern is more about regaining the subtler forms of human interaction that have been stunted over the past year of Zoom calls … Continued

Tips and Tools to Make the Rest of 2021 Success-Filled

Welcome to July! The second half of 2021 is here. Most of us have spent the past 16 months in “survival mode.” This level of uncertainty has prevented us from planning for what we really want from our lives. Now that we feel safer and more certain about our future, it is a good time to identify … Continued

Advice for New Legal Professionals

This past week I presented to over 300 summer associates at law firms across the country. One of the participants asked a great question: “How can I have a successful and fulfilling career in Big Law?” Having studied attorneys’ careers for the past 30+ years and written a book on the topic, Your Fairy Job … Continued

The Key to Thriving is Managing Your Fear 

I still viscerally remember how scared I was when the financial crisis started in 2008. The phones literally stopped ringing and I feared losing my company. When this crisis arrived, I focused on managing my mind and not letting my fear hijack me. As I reflect on the past pandemic year, I realize that this … Continued

What’s Your Compelling Story?

We all have a story that illustrates the essence of who we are, what experiences we have accumulated on our journey, and what motivates us. Whether you are interviewing for a new role or helping to market your firm the story needs to resonate to build credibility and trust with others. I just completed an … Continued