Can We Talk About That Unhelpful Voice in Our Heads?

You see, that voice in our heads can be very tricky because it often sounds like a friend who’s just trying to protect us. Have you ever noticed that when you are about to take on a new challenge, be it a job search or major project at work, your critical inner voice speaks up … Continued

Why Is It So Hard to Find New Talent?

I’ve been having conversations every day with firms looking to hire marketing, recruiting, and PD professionals, as well as with candidates interested in new job opportunities. I want to share what I’ve seen and heard to shed light on what is really happening. From my vantage point, this is not about the great resignation. I’ve … Continued

Where You Focus Affects Your Well-Being

The results of my recent LinkedIn poll are in! You voted that you spend 46% of your time each day living in the present. This number is very close to research statistics that I quote in my Well-being webinars that found we only spend 47% of our day living in the present. How does where you spend your … Continued

Focus On What You DO Have Control Over

What do you have control over as we enter 2022? Yes, there’s a lot we can’t control, and the pandemic is still causing massive uncertainty in all aspects of our lives, BUT there are things we do have control over. What if you focused on these things? There are two areas of your life I … Continued

How to Build Mentor Relationships

How can you find career mentors? By being a great mentee! One of the things I have enjoyed most over the past 25 years is having interns work each semester at a Wisnik Career Enterprises, Inc. Hiring students and watching them grow is extremely fulfilling. I was recently in Nashville and had a chance to … Continued

My HIAS Fundraiser for Afghan Refugees

DONATE HERE! Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. I still remember my first Thanksgiving in the U.S. clearly: I was in first grade and my family had arrived 8 months earlier as refugees, thrown out of Poland for being Jewish.   That November, I came home from school and announced that now that we lived in America, … Continued

What Can We do to Maintain Our Well-Being?

The end of Daylight Saving Time signals winter for me. My most difficult time during the pandemic was the long dark cold winter days. I now dread leaving my office to the dark sky as the sun will set in New York City at 4:45 pm tomorrow. Whether it’s the approach of winter, exhaustion from working … Continued

How to Stand Out in the Interview Process

This week’s podcast guest, Deborah Damesek, is a seasoned recruiter in the financial services industry. Debi shares insights from having interviewed thousands of candidates and provides actionable tips that you can apply whether you are seeking your first job out of college or have been working for 25+ years.   Debi’s actionable advice includes: Research recent news at … Continued

Why Vulnerability Is a Superpower

I have come to believe that vulnerability is a superpower. This is not what I believed when I started my career 30+ years ago. Coming out of college, I completely bought into one of the biggest career lies: That if you’re smart and hardworking you’ll be set — and not need anyone to help you. … Continued