The 6 Human Needs

Ever wonder why certain job and life situations are fulfilling and others are not?  Understanding what your most important Human Needs are will provide you with insight to help you create fulfillment in both your professional and personal life. As many of you know, I am a big Tony Robbins fan and recently attended his … Continued

Career Advice for Recent Grads

Do you have any new grads in your life who just returned from post-graduation travel and are asking you for advice before they start looking for their first “real job?” Well, I think I might be able to help! My name is Ariana Katsigiannis, and I am a rising senior at NYU studying Politics, Rights … Continued

6 Lessons from an Advanced Business Mastery Program

I just spent a week in Amsterdam at a Tony Robbins’ advanced Business Mastery program with 1,400 business professionals from 30 countries. I wanted to share my top lessons with you and hope that they are of value. To build successful business relationships and loyal clients, you need to add massive value, and do more … Continued

Asking the Right Questions

This June and July, I will be traveling the country to conduct interview trainings at law firms before the on-campus recruiting season begins.  I have done this for more than 66 law firms over the last 21 years. I truly believe it’s one of the most valuable trainings we offer law firms. The reason I … Continued

Becoming an Industry Leader

Recently, I attended my 23rd NALP conference over a twenty-seven-year span. I saw many colleagues that I have known for 15+ years, all of whom are considered industry leaders. When I think of why these professionals are at the top of their field, I recognize a number of common factors that they all share:   … Continued

Transitioning Into a New Job

We have made a lot of placements since January and have many candidates transitioning into new jobs. As I speak to these candidates over celebratory lunches, I hear about how challenging their transitions are, no matter how senior they are. I hear comments such as, “I feel like I am starting all over again” and … Continued

Talent & Immigration

My heart is breaking for the immigrants and refugees who have the values and work ethic this country is built from but will no longer have the chance to live here. Some of you may know that I came here at age 5 from communist Poland. My family entered the U.S. under political refugee status. … Continued