Current Market Trends for Marketing & BD

2018 has been a great year, and for this Wisnik Weekly we wanted to share with you our findings from our most recent Law Firm Marketing/BD Survey. This year we received survey responses from 377 legal Marketing and BD professionals nationwide. Here are the top trends we observed: The average Chief has been at their … Continued

How to Resign and Turn Down Offers

It’s been a great market for strong candidates – a record number of our candidates have received offers in the past three months! Here’s some advice we share with our candidates when they are ready to resign or are turning down one of their offers. How you handle these sensitive moments can make the difference … Continued

The Ultimate Resume Checklist

By Shannan Buckley, Recruiting and Operations Specialist No matter how strong your experience and background may be, if you can’t put it together in your resume, you’re going to have a very hard time landing a job interview. We review dozens of resumes every week, and have found that even the most experienced professionals can … Continued

What’s Your Story?

When I interview a candidate to determine if they are the right fit for a role and firm, I am listening to hear their story. This includes how they describe what they are excited to bring to this new role and why they are thinking of leaving their current position. It still surprises me when … Continued

The Problem with Certainty

Earlier this year I wrote about the 6 Human Needs. I have been observing how our needs affect our career choices and success, and wanted to share how Certainty, the need to have control and security in our lives, can cause problems for us. I recently worked with a candidate who had been with his … Continued

If You Don’t Have Time to Read This, You Must Read This!

Today is August 1st and on-campus recruiting is in full swing.  For my law firm recruiting colleagues who have now entered their busiest seasons, and for anyone who feels like there is more work than hours in the day, I have a few suggestions on How to Take Care of You during peak work times. … Continued

Traits of Top Performers

Having placed close to 900 candidates and conducted interview trainings for 68 law firms, I spend a lot of time thinking about what traits make someone a great addition to a team. What I have determined is that someone’s ability to get stuff done outweighs smarts and resume accolades. My frequent conversations with Directors and CMOs confirm … Continued

Resume Tips for Recent Grads

The job market in law firms for recent grads is on fire right now! For the first time in years, firms are actively seeking to hire recent grads. A lot of young professionals have never considered a career in legal recruiting or marketing, but law firms are a great place for intelligent and hardworking young … Continued

How to Decide if a Job is Right for You

The job market for candidates is hot! You are likely being contacted by multiple recruiters and even directly by firms for available opportunities. A “candidate’s market” is great, but may also feel overwhelming. How do you decide which job is right for you? Having gone through this decision making process with nine different candidates who … Continued

Some Insights into Why People Behave the Way They Do

Earlier this month, I spent three days in Laguna Beach at a seminar with relationship guru Alison Armstrong. Alison is known for her work in romantic relationships, but much of what she teaches applies to professional relationships as well. Alison has this way of making the complex simple, and saying things that make so much … Continued