Are You Managing Others’ Expectations?

We often throw around the term “manage expectations” at work, but what does it really mean, and why is it so important? In the placement work we do, we pride ourselves on managing the candidate’s and firm’s expectations by communicating job responsibilities and salary requirements and even the intangibles such as culture. Our goal is … Continued

Finding Top Talent in a Tight Market

The market is filled with new job opportunities! Since January we have had no fewer than 30 jobs to fill at any given time. This is great, but finding top talent in an expanding job market can be very challenging for law firms. The limited pool of strong candidates is most pervasive at the coordinator … Continued

What Playing Full Out Looks Like

Do you even feel frustrated that life and work are not going as you had hoped? If your answer is yes, then I want to ask you another question: Do you play full out in your life most days? Playing full out means acting on most opportunities that come to mind, even if they are … Continued

Should you be going back to school?

It’s definitely back to school season and a good time to ask yourself if you should be continuing your education. I am often asked if you need an advanced degree to succeed in law firm marketing or recruiting and my answer is no. If you already have an MBA or JD, great, but getting one … Continued

Three Ways to Start Your Day Off Right

Have you ever noticed that when you start your day off productively, it tends to stay focused? Here are some tips for starting your morning off on the right track: Put something good into the universe right away! Soon after waking up, I’ve gotten into the habit of sending a note, text or email to … Continued

Are You Interviewing Law Students?

Here are some tips for what to focus on when hiring. This summer, I spent a good amount of time traveling the country and teaching interview skills to attorneys at major law firms before they went on campus to recruit new talent. Over the past 23 years, I have conducted interview training for 67 law … Continued

A Q&A with Author Lisa Smith

On-Campus Recruiting begins next week, and I have been traveling around the country to conduct Interviewer Training to help attorneys prepare. This year, many firms are highlighting to recruits their commitment to offering their lawyers well-being resources. This new trend is in response to the ABA Report on the prevalence of mental health disorders and addiction in the … Continued

The Benefits of Informational Interviews

My youngest son is about to graduate from high school and his school requires a senior project that enables students to learn about the work world before they embark on their college education. Most students do internships, but Jake did a series of informational interviews. We have all heard that informational interviews are helpful, but … Continued