5 Insights on Our 25th Anniversary!

Today marks 25 years since I launched Wisnik Career Enterprises. I left a secure job as the Director of Recruiting and Training at one of the country’s top law firms because I saw a market and needs I could serve. I was 33 years old, my husband had just launched his own legal practice, and … Continued

Please Don’t Make the Same Mistake I Did!

This week marks one year since we went into lockdown. I still remember March 13, my last day in the office, well. We packed up a few files to bring home and assumed we would be back in just a few weeks. March 2020 felt like the longest month. I was very grateful to have … Continued

That Voice in Your Head Is a Trouble-Making Bully!

Have you ever noticed that when you are about to take on a new challenge, be it a job search or major project at work, your critical inner voice speaks up loudly and says something like, “Who do you think you are, reaching so high and taking on a big challenge like that?” We all … Continued

Networking Primer

It’s hard to believe that we are one month away from one year of working from home due to COVID. Whether you’ve been in the workforce for decades or entered in the past few years, having a strong professional network is vital, especially during uncertain times. In my eBook, Your Fairy Job Mentor’s Secrets for … Continued

5 Hacks for Better Time Management 

I’m going to propose that we officially start 2021 on February 1st. I know how busy you’ve been since the start of this new year, but I think most of us were holding our breath until our new president was fully in place. I know I have held off our book launch because there hasn’t … Continued

The Dangers Of Perfectionism

In my upcoming book, Your Fairy Job Mentor’s Secrets for Success, I devote an entire chapter to the dangers of perfectionism. I thought could be helpful to share it with you as we begin another year. Over the past 30 years of working with Big Law professionals, whom I love, I’ve observed that many smart, … Continued

Silver Linings From 2020

I like to spend the last week of the year reflecting on the year that just passed and setting goals for the new year. As I reflect on 2020, I have to acknowledge that I was able to achieve few of the goals I wrote down last December, including placing 30 professionals (we placed 12), … Continued

My New Book

I wanted to tell you a little bit about the book I’ve been writing since July. It’s aimed at 19-24 year olds, sometimes referred to as Gen Z’s, and will be available early next year. As the pandemic set in, I observed many of these kids getting short-changed on their college experience and new graduates struggling … Continued

Happy Thanksgiving & Why the Secret to Living Is Giving

Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. I still remember my family’s first Thanksgiving eight months after we arrived in the USA. I was in first grade and came home to tell them that we had to celebrate and needed to buy a turkey. They didn’t know what I was referring to because there are no turkeys … Continued

Why Are You Applying?

By Shannan Buckley “I need a job, so I’m applying to positions in legal.” “I’m willing to work in marketing.” “I’ll do anything.” Since the pandemic hit, I’ve heard a big uptick in phrases like this, often from recent grads, as well as from some people who lost their jobs. Unfortunately, these are some of … Continued