The end of Daylight Saving Time signals winter for me. My most difficult time during the pandemic was the long dark cold winter days. I now dread leaving my office to the dark sky as the sun will set in New York City at 4:45 pm tomorrow.
Whether it’s the approach of winter, exhaustion from working long hours for months, or the uncertainty that still looms, many people are struggling.
During my Health Coach certification training (through the Institute for Integrative Nutrition), I studied many ways we can maintain our mental and physical well-being. One thing I learned is that there is something very powerful and detoxing that time in nature does for our minds and bodies. This was something I didn’t know. Now, instead of dreading winter this year, I am going to choose gratitude that I live in a place where I can experience four seasons, including winter.
The return to the office transition is challenging for many. To address this, I created a new program that’s packed with actionable tools: How to Make Time for Your Well-Being.
The main focus of what I teach is how to focus on what we can control. This includes:
- Time management strategies for getting the important, not just urgent things done
- Well-being habits that are doable even on busy days
- Practical tips for prioritizing, managing interruptions, and making time for long-term projects
There are many things we can’t control, but there are definitely ways we can proactively manage our time and well-being so we can feel more in control and show up in our lives replenished.