Taking Charge of Your Career in 2025

Happy 2025 and best wishes for a very successful new year! If you are asking yourself, “Should I leave my current job for a new one this year?” There are two questions I would advise you to ask yourself to determine if this is the right time for you to change jobs: If you stay in … Continued

Goodbye to a Very Fulfilling 2024!

I like to take time out each December to reflect on the year that just passed. We are all good at keeping track of our to-do lists, but how good are we at keeping track of our achievements? As a prover who’s quick to focus on the next challenge once a goal has been achieved, … Continued

2024 NYCRA Survey Results

The 2024 NYCRA Survey results are now available on our website! Over 170 law firm recruiting professionals at all levels responded. Some interesting facts from the survey include: Senior recruiters stay at their firms for a long time. For example, the average tenure is 9.5 years for a Director and over 13 years for an Associate Director. Recruiting … Continued

Happy Thanksgiving & Thank You!

Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. I still remember my family’s first Thanksgiving eight months after we arrived from Poland. I was in first grade and came home to tell my parents, who barely spoke English, that we needed to buy a turkey. They didn’t know what I was referring to because there are no turkeys … Continued

Are You a Prover?

“You are best equipped to teach what you once did not know and had to learn.” This quote by Rory Vaden, who founded Brand Builders, resonates with me deeply and inspired me to create the newest version of our How to Make Time for Your Well-Being training. As a refugee kid who arrived in the U.S. with … Continued

Am I Too Old for This Role?

When I’m working on C-level and Director searches I frequently get asked by candidates “Am I too old for this role?” I always respond, “You have tons of experience and wisdom, why would that be a disadvantage?” I went to see Sheryl Crow perform last week. I’ve been a big fan of hers since she … Continued

Going From Worrying to Working

In preparation for the New Associate trainings I’ve been conducting across the country, we survey partners at each firm to find out what junior attorneys do that makes them great additions, and what they do that frustrates supervising attorneys.    Something I have been seeing consistently from these survey results is that associates are missing deadlines … Continued

Time Management Tips for Back-to-School Season

September signals back-to-school for me, where the feeling of excitement about new possibilities is combined with the fear of overwhelm.    What I hear in my head is, “It’s all starting again; can I handle it all?”  I spent time this August leveling up our trainings. By this, I mean I’ve taken a time-out to think … Continued

Using the Myers Briggs for Effective Communication

I have administered the Myers Briggs Type Indicator to over 10,000 attorneys and law firm professionals. Participants have found the assessment to be an extremely valuable tool for understanding how to work and communicate with team members and clients. Why are personality assessments, like the Myers-Briggs, valuable? Here’s are the top three benefits: Increasing self-awareness … Continued