I’m working on a keynote that I’m presenting next month entitled “Achieving Your Next Level of Success.” Reclaiming your inner power is one of the 5 steps I will be teaching attendees, and leaning into discomfort is a core concept.
Pain signals to us that’s something is wrong. We need to make a change whether that’s how we care for our body or what we do in our lives.
Discomfort is different. I’ve run away from discomfort many times. For example, I once took an indoor cycling class and as the room heated up, I felt a lot of discomfort. I swore never to do that again!
We’ve all passed on an opportunity to reach out to someone we met who we knew could be a great networking contact. We think (a lot) about reaching out, but because it feels uncomfortable, we do not take action.
We often let our fear mind run the show. What if instead of avoiding discomfort, we lean into it and choose how we respond?
For example, last week I tried a new exercise studio. I signed up for a Pilates class and when I arrived, I found out the studio was heated (like the cycling class). I wanted to bolt out the door, but instead I decided to give it a try. At first it was uncomfortable, but after about 15 minutes I felt ok.
Everything shifted once I stopped telling myself how uncomfortable I was.
By staying with the discomfort until it dissolved and resisting the urge to run away, I was choosing my inner power.
We all have the inner power to train our mind and body to NOT be triggered by fear or perceived threats.
Leaning into discomfort and welcoming growth opportunities offers each of us a path to our next level of success.
I welcome your thoughts and appreciate your feedback as I fine-tune the content for this new training.