Being in the Driver’s Seat

I’ve run away and gone down under, to Australia.  

I’m not sure if the main reason I’m here is to escape the frigid winter, to celebrate our 35th wedding anniversary, or because I chose to take my first ever 3-week vacation, just as our new president was being inaugurated.  

My time away and break from all media has allowed me to reflect, and I’ve decided to choose my inner power in these chaotic times.   

By inner power, I mean to be intentional and to choose what I focus on, rather than be hijacked by fear.  

After surviving Auschwitz, Viktor Frankl wrote:  

“Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.” 

For me, free will is being in the driver’s seat of my life. That’s why I left a “big role in a big firm” 29 years ago to start my own business and why in the next 18 months I will write another book, create an epic keynote, launch a success journey podcast, and place great talent into top law firms.  

I will be successful because I refuse to allow fear or negative thoughts to hijack my focus.  

There are many external things I don’t have control over, but I do have control over where I focus my attention, and I choose to focus it on serving clients and helping them achieve their full potential  

Our inner power is rooted in free will and it is our superpower. Where are you choosing to focus yours?  

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