Engaging associates to perform optimally in our new hybrid workplace is challenging. But proximity doesn’t guarantee trusted work relationships, personal investment does. Mentors, both formal and informal, are key to helping associates thrive at your firm.
Along with training associates in the skills and client service mindset needed to perform optimally, we also need to train those working closely with them on how to communicate expectations, build trusted relationships and instill a sense of belonging.
In response to this increased need for mentor training, I’ve developed the Strategies for Being an Exceptional Mentor program to help partners and senior attorneys to build loyalty and motivate associates to perform optimally.
Money alone does not create engagement. Your associates will want to serve clients when attorneys they work for communicate a common mission. During this training, I provide a worksheet so each participant can crystallize their client service perspective and work values.
Your partners’ and senior attorneys’ expectations are much more likely to be met, even exceeded, when they know how to articulate their unique work style preferences, make associates feel like valuable team members, and communicate a common client service mission. Do they have the tools to do this effectively?