New York Salary Survey (November/December 2001)

Title # of Participants Responding Salary Range Average Annual Salary*
Director 21 66 – 150K+ 124K
Manager 21 46 – 130K 88K
Coordinator 27 40 – 80K 58K
Assistant 11 Below 40K – 45K 37K
Total 80
This Salary, Responsibilities and Reporting Structure Survey was sent to over 200 Recruitment Professionals in New York area law firms.
Average Size of Firm Responding = 178 attorneys in NY office and 380 attorneys firmwide.
*Average Annual Salary does not include bonus. For firms that paid bonuses, average bonus was 5% of annual salary. Many respondents also answered that their bonus was “other” than 5%, 10% or 2 weeks pay.
Conducted by Wisnik Career Enterprises, Inc.
November/December 2001
For more information:   Call: (212) 370-1010 E-mail:
Copyright © 2001 Wisnik Career Enterprises. The preceding survey cannot be reproduced without the author’s permission.

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