Hurricane Sandy put things into perspective for me. We lost power for 4 days at home and 4 trees came down on our property. Thankfully, all missed our cars and house. This past summer we bought a house a block and half from the beach on the Jersey shore. It was a life- long dream to own a house near the beach.
Miraculously, our newly purchased beach house was unharmed by Sandy. I can not express in words the gratitude I feel for not being damaged by this hurricane, as so many neighbors have been.
I have spent a good amount of time this last week reflecting on what it felt like to have no power and imagining what it would feel like to lose everything I treasured. Being cold in a dark home made me feel extremely vulnerable and imagining the loss others experienced really scared me. I had to acknowledge to myself how quickly everything could change and that sitting in a lit up, warm home was not a given.
I am very grateful to have power back and much of the normalcy of life back; such as the commuter train I take on the Hudson River running again and the kids back in school.
Hurricane Sandy was a great reminder for me – take nothing for granted and be very, very grateful!