September makes me think of school and even though it has been over 20 years since I completed my MBA, I still want to learn. You don’t have to be enrolled in a formal academic degree program to learn.
Here are a few ideas for increasing your knowledge and skills this fall:
- Register for a certificate program like those at NYU’s Professional Studies program or through the Society for Human Resource Management.
- Commit to attending 3 monthly educational programs sponsored by your Professional Association or related ones. For example if you are a member of LMA, check what’s on the calendar. In addition, you might want to ask your firm administrator what’s on the schedule this Fall for ALA. It’s good to expand your learning to other areas of law firm management.
- Learn something completely new or expand your expertise further. Columbia Journalism School offers courses in Social Media and eCornell offers classes in everything from Plant-Based Nutrition to Leadership & Strategic Management.
- Have fun and study something you are passionate about! I am looking into courses at the New York Botanical Gardens on raising orchids. A client of mine just took a pizza making class, while another is studying ballroom dancing!
You may be thinking that this all sounds great, but where will I find the time to take classes? Here’s the thing, when we are learning and growing we get energized. You will be more focused during the work day because you’ll know you need to leave in time to get to class – which tends to make us more productive throughout the day. So, what are you signing up for this Fall?